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you are 1 decision away from fixing your short game!

Conquer Your Short Game WITHOUT Hours Of Extra Practice.

Your Bulletproof Guide To Get Rid Of Those 3 Putts FOR EVER!

Finally find out what’s stopping you from shooting lower scores.


For a strictly limited time you can download a FREE copy of my ebook...

Concur Your Short Game WITHOUT Hours Of Practice. Your Bulletproof Guide To Scratch Those 3 putts FOR EVER!

In this exclusive E-book we'll reveal:

  •  The #1 reason why you can’t seem to make your short game work no matter how hard you try!
  •  Why you should NEVER follow another YouTube tip ever again and what you should do instead
  •  The honest TRUTH about having a consistent short game and why its easier than you have ever imagined!
  •  And much, much more!

"Brian is an amazing coach!

His attention to detail and ability to diagnose my issues are second to none."

"He keeps it simple as doesn't use any of the technical jargon a lot of coaches unloaded on me before. I would highly recommend Brian to anyone looking to get more consistent and improve their game!"

Andrew Boylan - Google Review

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McCormack Golf 2022